Biomedis News 

Вебинар ”Герпес - враг молодой семьи” (20 июня 2013 г. в 12-00 ч. моск. вр.)

13.06.2013 by Biomedis
BIOMEDIS video reviews competition is over.
Thank you and congratulations to those who took part!

We received over 100 video reviews. Each of them is unique and deserves attention. The participants sincerely expressed their opinion on the BIOMEDIS products.
The jury worked for over a week, it was very difficult to choose the best of the best. The winners were chosen by the jury of 10 people by means of close vote. The decision was made by the majority of votes.


The main prize goes to:
Tverdokhlebov Dmitry from Ukraine for the review ‘Hepatitis B with liver ccirrhosis’ gets ZENWAVE device.
Gnetneva Elena from Russia for the review ‘Neuroborreliosis’ gets ZENWAVE device.
Koneva Irina from Russia for the review ‘Cat’s glaucoma’ gets ACTIWAY device.

Special prize - BIOSKY crystal from the president goes to:
Olga-Victoria from the USA for the review ‘BIOMEDIS devices in wellness centers’.
Kryuchkov family fromRussia for the review ‘TRINITY for the whole family’.

Special prize from the jury – a leather case for TRINITY and 20% discount promo code for all the devices go to:
Olesya Mishneva from Russia for the documentally approved review ‘Corona virus infection’.
Angelina Tyurina from Russia for the review ‘Herpes virus’.
Slobodenyuk Natalia from Ukraine for the review ‘BIOMEDIS for elder people’.
Olga from the USA for the review ‘Hands eczema’.
Olga Dolgu from Romania for the review ‘BIOMEDIS for office’.
Boris Lipovetsky from the USA for the review ‘Arm fracture’.
Malcolm Griffin from Ireland for the review ‘Knee injury’..
Alphonso from Germany for the review ‘Rehabilitation after the operation’.
Sherinata Pollock for the review ‘Corona virus infection’.
Irina from Ukraine for the poem for children ‘BIOMEDIS Aibolit’.

A leather case for TRINITY at a request of a participant can be replaced by a bracelet for ACTIWAY.

For inspiration and help to other participants, for work and devotion we are giving special additional promo codes for 20% discounts off all the devices:
Irina and Andrey Abdulin
Olga Aleksandrova
Viorika Borushko
Lyubov Balabanova
Olga Borokhova
Vitkuvene Ghenovaite
Marina Devrisashvili
Natalia Danilyuk
Iordanis Iordanidis
Marina Kruglova
Tatiana Kobylkina
Vyacheslav Korotkikh
Eldar Koch
Aleksandr Stoyan
Stanislav Smirnov
Zhanna Sidorenko
Oksana Khukhlina
Tatiana Chernyavskaya
Vera Shtern
Yashkunas Alghis

Special appreciation to Elena Zelenskaya for helping organize and implement the idea!
Big thanks to the jury for a serious approach and sincere interest!
Your opinion will be heard by hundreds of people!


Any participant of the competition of the reviews, that did not enter the winners list can contact the company until the end of October to getan additional promo code for 15% discount off any device.
To do this please contact

All the encouraging promo codes are given with the active period until November 15th 2020.

See the conditions of the competition here

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