Новости Биомедис 

Бизнес-конференция 4-6 апреля

20.02.2014 by Biomedis
Congratulations to the active BIOMEDIS partners with fulfilling of the ‘Activate your team and get a gift’ promo!

Gift for reaching the promo Level I - BIOSKY sticker goes to:

Roman Seremet Romania
Iordanis Iordanidis Greece
Gianluigi Cardin Italy
Viktor Folomeyev Poland
Victoria Skoblikova Russia

Gift for fulfilling of the promo Level II - BIOSKY photonic crystal goes to:

Michael Vinnitsky USA
Ivailo Kaltvhev Ireland

Gift for fulfilling of the promo Level III - TRINITY goes to:

Hristina Atanasova Bulgaria
Nikolai Sheshukov Russia
Mukhtiar Singh Singapore
Igor Reshetnikov Ukraine
Roland Rupp Switzerland

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