The balancing of energy channels (meridians) with two BIOSKY crystals. Carrying the BIOSKY crystal with you.
The research was carried out by the head of the consulting center of Energy-informational technologies, Russia, Chelyabinsk, BRT- diagnostician, Iryna Abdulina.
The research was carried out on BRIS (bio-resonance intellectual scanner).
Research description
Tested patient ¹1: male, 58 years old.
Complaints – fatigue, constant sleepiness.
The result of 1 testing on BRIS (initial condition): significant damage of the energy-informational field.
After the 1st testing the participant made the meridians balancing with two BIOSKY crystals.
The following scheme was used (from the BIOSKY guideline):
- Put one crystal under the left foot, the other in the right palm for 5 minutes.
- 2. Changed the position of the crystals: one crystal under the right foot, the other in the left palm for 5 minutes.
- 3. One crystal was placed under the coccyx (region of the sacral Muladhara-chakra), and the second was placed in the forehead area (area of the frontal Ajna-chakra) for 5 minutes.
After the meridians balancing the participant carried BIOKSKY in his pocket for 15 minutes. Total time of the impact was 30 minutes.
The result of the 2nd testing on BRIS (after crystal application): restoration of the eergy-informational field, opening of energy channels.

Tested patient ¹ 2: female, 26 years old.
Complaints – rapid fatigability, loss of mood, exhaustion.
The result of the 1st testing on BRIS (initial condition): significant damage of the energy-informational field.
After the first testing the participant carried the BIOSKY photonic crystal for 6 hours during one day changing its location on the body and making pauses for one hour.
The result of the 2nd testing on BRIS (after crystal application): full restoration of the energy-informational field, opening of energy channels.

The application of water structured with the BIOSKY photonic crystal
The research was carried out by the doctor, BRT diagnostician Tatiana Kobylkina.
The research was carries out on BRIS (bio-resonance intellectual scanner).
Research description
Research description.
Testes patient: female, 34 years old, complaints on increased fatigability, low mood.
The result of the 1st testing on BRIS (initial condition): damage of the energy-informational field – the aura is decreased; the chakras are closed.
After the first testing the participant had a glass of water structures with the BIOSKY photonic crystal.
The result of the 2nd testing on BRIS (after BIOSKY structured water application): the aura if resored, the chakras are open.

All the participants of the research continued using the BIOSKY photonic crystal.
The tested patients noted an improvement of wellbeing and mood, energy surge, pain relief.
Conclusion: the BIOSKY red photonic crystal restores the light body (aura) of a human, contributes to the opening of energy channels.